The project set out to assess the potential energy savings of a single Flettner rotor on a ship’s voyage across the North Atlantic and provide an estimate for the payback time. Throughout the project a route from Southampton to New-York has been decided upon, reliable weather data for this route has been sourced, the ship type of bulk carrier has been chosen and justified, resistance data for a this ship has been found using MAXSURF numerical modelling software, a relationship between spin ratio and coefficients of lift and drag have been found from a reliable and appropriate paper, energy savings have been calculated, and a payback time has been estimated. The project has successfully demonstrated an average saving of 5.67% on the chosen route, and a payback time of 6 years has been calculated from this.
The CFD study did not give usable results for a relationship between spin ratio and lift and drag coefficients, however, the study shows the proper methods to be used for a similar study and allowed further research into a number of flow parameters that are not widely reported in literature for Flettner rotors.
Given the results of the project, Flettner rotors have been shown to be a viable technology for the shipping industry's move towards reducing emissions, both financially and practically. These results are expected to be less than what could be achieved with alterations such as using proper routing software to follow the best weather.
The project has provided a preliminary estimate and background research into the technology. However, with more time the project could also consider additional areas of research. Namely: our own 3-D CFD analysis, the impact of retrofitting multiple rotors, and the potential savings for other ship types and other routes.